Increase the productivity
of freelancers working for your company.

See how efficiently the freelancer works for you.
Increase your efficiency and profitability.

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Desktop App

Freelancers start by selecting the jobs you have assigned for them via the Windows Desktop App and click the ON button. So they can track the current working time, working time for that day and working time for that week. You can set a weekly working hour limit for freelancers.

How App Works

When the freelancer presses the ON button, you can see which application he has been using, at what time and for how long. You can see which website you visited when and for how long. You can also take low quality screenshots automatically every 5 minutes if you want.

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User Dashboard

It gives you information about users, when he turned on his computer, how long he was away from his computer, when he shut down his computer in the evening. You can see the pie chart of the most used applications. The list at the bottom will show you the details of all the transactions of the user in the date range you have specified. In this way, you can have an idea about the efficiency of the user.

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Application Categories

All applications are divided into 3 categories. You can set the desired application as Productive, Unproductive Neutral. Thus, you can see the transactions on the graph and instantly analyze the efficiency of the user.

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Screenshots of the users you specify are taken every 5 minutes. In this way, you will have more data at hand to increase efficiency.

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Websites are under control

You can see which websites employees browse and keep them under control. It is important information to increase employee productivity.

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Why Choose MonitUp

Do you want to increase the productivity of your freelancers? Monitup helps freelancers see how they are spending time - and where time can be spent better. Monitup want to help you work efficiently.

When more companies have team members working remotely, Monitup helps drive productivity and helps remote teams hold themselves accountable. Monitup simple tool runs in the background and generates logs based on application usage.

You can use the MonitUp software on your Windows computers. Since it consumes very little resources, it does not cause any slowdown or excessive resource consumption on your computer. Features are designed to provide full transparency for the team owners.

- Examine key processes.
- Like open and close times.
- To create a rich dashboard that gives a birds eye view on productivity metrics for your team, as well as spot problems before they get out of control.

- Optional screenshots, app and URL tracking.
- Group applications by type “productive” vs “non-productive” or neutral.

Set the maximum weekly limit for which job the freelancer can work. Measure how efficiently the freelancer does the work you assign.

Let MonitUp help you Employee monitoring and Employe tracking remotely. Get access today!